Choosing a Web Designer
When you choose a web designer, there are many things that you need to be aware of and that need to be taken into consideration before you make a decision.
To some extent, the ability to work successfully with your web designer is sometimes as important as their actual skill in being able to deliver the project.
A web designer who is skilled in what they do but is a pain to deal with can make the whole process frustrating and not worth the money being spent, especially if you have an emotional attachment to the project (which you should have, being the one supplying the money and motivation).
That relationship can be worth a large proportion of the contract.
What are the ongoing costs?
All web sites have ongoing costs. Web hosting, domain names and updates are the main three. Make sure you know the total cost of your investment. Some companies offer lower up-front costs to lock you into higher ongoing costs that end up costing you more.
How easy is it to incorporate your branding?
Some template sites are hard to blend a logo or colours into, so be wary of template-driven web site companies: some of these people are skilled enough only to change the text on a template. However, a good designer will design your site from the ground up, incorporating all of you design elements into their design. These companies offer the most flexibility.
What are the costs for making changes later on?
Updates and maintenance on your site is something that will eventually happen. Even if you don't change the content frequently, you will eventually change some content and so you need to know what it will cost to have that done for you over a year.
Hidden costs
Make sure common items (like search engine submissions and monthly keyword ranking reports) are either not included or are an extra cost. Some key items can be omitted to keep the price down. Make sure you don't get sold short. An important one is whether the web designer is doing the job part time. Are your web designers doing this as a full time job? Some designers are working during the day and then web designing at night. A lot of designers started out this way, but it can cause issues when you need something done and they don't do the job from nine to five.
If all these things check out then you have found someone who you can work with and who can provide you with a service that will get you your desired result.
Kessler Associates always design web sites from the ground up, with a layout and colour scheme created to specifically suit your needs. We are here during normal office hours to create and upload your site, find web space for you, and maintain your site as often as you need. Service costs are at a flat hourly rate, so you won't need to pay out for annual maintenance contracts, and if you allow us to handle your entire web site needs then you will be classed as a dedicated client and will be discounted 20% on all costs where applicable.
Remember, choose a designer with the right skills, but also one you believe you can work with on an ongoing basis. Build a working relationship that will benefit you both and your web project will benefit as well.
Whatever your needs, we have the solution.
Edited in part from Entireweb Newsletter.
To some extent, the ability to work successfully with your web designer is sometimes as important as their actual skill in being able to deliver the project.
A web designer who is skilled in what they do but is a pain to deal with can make the whole process frustrating and not worth the money being spent, especially if you have an emotional attachment to the project (which you should have, being the one supplying the money and motivation).
That relationship can be worth a large proportion of the contract.
What are the ongoing costs?
All web sites have ongoing costs. Web hosting, domain names and updates are the main three. Make sure you know the total cost of your investment. Some companies offer lower up-front costs to lock you into higher ongoing costs that end up costing you more.
How easy is it to incorporate your branding?
Some template sites are hard to blend a logo or colours into, so be wary of template-driven web site companies: some of these people are skilled enough only to change the text on a template. However, a good designer will design your site from the ground up, incorporating all of you design elements into their design. These companies offer the most flexibility.
What are the costs for making changes later on?
Updates and maintenance on your site is something that will eventually happen. Even if you don't change the content frequently, you will eventually change some content and so you need to know what it will cost to have that done for you over a year.
Hidden costs
Make sure common items (like search engine submissions and monthly keyword ranking reports) are either not included or are an extra cost. Some key items can be omitted to keep the price down. Make sure you don't get sold short. An important one is whether the web designer is doing the job part time. Are your web designers doing this as a full time job? Some designers are working during the day and then web designing at night. A lot of designers started out this way, but it can cause issues when you need something done and they don't do the job from nine to five.
If all these things check out then you have found someone who you can work with and who can provide you with a service that will get you your desired result.
Kessler Associates always design web sites from the ground up, with a layout and colour scheme created to specifically suit your needs. We are here during normal office hours to create and upload your site, find web space for you, and maintain your site as often as you need. Service costs are at a flat hourly rate, so you won't need to pay out for annual maintenance contracts, and if you allow us to handle your entire web site needs then you will be classed as a dedicated client and will be discounted 20% on all costs where applicable.
Remember, choose a designer with the right skills, but also one you believe you can work with on an ongoing basis. Build a working relationship that will benefit you both and your web project will benefit as well.
Whatever your needs, we have the solution.
Edited in part from Entireweb Newsletter.